I have a tendency to make up words...or put words together to make new ones. Or steal fun words from the folks who say them first and make 'em my own.
I'll probably touch down on some of these from time to time, and give credit/backstory when appropriate.
The first in the series:
Fabulosity - pronounced as it reads. (and if you can't pronounce it, girlene, you need some assistance in the department of fabulosity!) Describes a way of being...of being fabulous, only more so.
Girlene - pronounced: girl-eene (as in clean). You can use "girlene" in kinda the same way you might use "dude" - it is a sex-non-specific word; you can feel comfortable using it with men and women alike. (AND it's particularly appropriate when one is a gay man and you're a proud fag hag or visa versa.)
First time I heard it was when Sherm (my cousin/oldest and dearest friend) said it. She got it (and says she heard it most often) from her friend Michael Scott Gregory, a Broadway dancer (who i got to see twice in 'sophisticated ladies' - talk about massive fabulosity) who died way too long ago.
Licious - pronounced: lish-iss. Adding "licious" makes things more...licious! Everything's made better when you add "licious" (or occasionally, "a-licious") after it. (there are no rules here, you just have to go with your gut when adding the "a" or not...)
Examples: Fabu-licious. Yum-a-licious. Deb-a-licious. (see what i mean? fabu-licious!)
Got any good words I can usurp? Or any that are made better with a little "licious"?
I couldn't help but smile all the way through this posting. It speaks to creating something from nothing and not caring whether anyone else likes it because you like it.
BTW--When I read this posting, it made me think of words that sound like they are made up but aren't. Someone wrote me an email and used the word "miasma" and I said, "Say what?" Okay, so the someone was a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism. Maybe newspaper reporters are allowed to use 50 cent words. So tonight, when my son told me that his homework assignment was to find 20 words in the dictionary that were new to him, I offered up "miasma." He said, "I already know that word. It means something like fog." "Say what? How do you know that word? I'm forty-four years old, have two engineering degrees, and I don't know that word." To which my son replied, "It was in a video game."
"Say what?"
Posted by: Carol Ross | September 01, 2005 at 12:53 AM
'Misunderheard' is one that I believe (can't say for certain that no one else ever used it) I coined some years ago.
Posted by: Ed | August 19, 2005 at 02:11 PM
hmmm ... I've been back and forth to this post a few times, trying to remember if I've ever invented a word, and so far, I'm drawing a blank. How boring is that? I did, however, used to love Sniglets ... the made-up words from that guy on Saturday Night Live in the 80s (Rich Hall, was it?). In fact, I named my cat Sniglet ... she was a fluffy camel-colored persian.
One of my favorite sniglets was 'hozone' ... the place where all your stray socks go when you do laundry. Finally solved THAT mystery!
Posted by: maria | August 16, 2005 at 09:35 AM