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October 05, 2005


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Wow -- sounds like you had such a great time! How wonderful for those seats, huh? Don't feel any guilt about being a 'press slut,' my dear. It's just a little perk to make up for the fact that you don't get paid as much as you deserve to for the great features you write.

I just LOVE The Jerk. So funny!! I need to rent it again.

Your posts (and Marilyn's comment) really make me want to read his writing now ... so lo and behold, I went on the Bernards and Clarence Dillon (Bedminster) library sites and they have a bunch of his books! Of course, I'm already simultaneously reading The Time Traveler's Wife (per Jamila's recommendation), Escape Adulthood (by the blogger Jason Kotecki), How Did I get Here (Barbara DeAngelis' latest ... once a self-help junkie, always a self-help junkie ... ), and about a 100 magazines. But, they have Pure Drivel, Shopgirl, The Pleasure of My Company, and Cruel Shoes. Is there one you would recommend to start?


Note to self: Get every Steve Martin book available next time I'm at the library. So glad you had such a wonderful experience...and it sounds like it was truly that...wonderful.

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