First there were the metrosexuals (thank-you queer eye for the straight guy). But from what I can tell in my not-quite-plugged-in-to-the-latest-trends place, metrosexuals are so 5 minutes ago. (then again, 'so 5 minutes ago' is probably so 3 days ago...) Today I learned that the hot new "metro" is metrospirituality. As I started to read the article on Beliefnet I cringed, thinking that I'd become a cliche, but it didn't take long to realize that they were talking about those who put the chic factor as high (or higher) than the spirit factor. (and no one ever mistook me as one who put chic over ... well, hardly anything...!)
Can't decide if metroxpirituality is an interesting thing (good that people are putting their dollars where their hearts are), or is it just one more way that spirituality is being sold as a commodity? ... hm.
And on that note ... well, sort of ... here's my AEM #4. I started it yesterday but just finished a little while ago ... with sentiments courtesy of Harold and Maude.
I LOVE THIS POST! I have a daisy tattoo and there's a big, long story behind that...and this conversation from H&M is so sweet and perfect.
Posted by: Hannah | November 14, 2005 at 11:15 AM
Wow, well what do you expect from a site that calls itself That's pretty cheesy to begin with. (Woops, as you can see, I'm clearly not into the esoteric.)
I like what this astute person commenting on the site said:
I think this whole article is silly. The idea that we should put our money where our values are is a valid one. We can't always afford to do this, but if we CAN afford to, and we don't, then maybe we should take a closer look at what we claim to value. I won't shop at Wal Mart because their policies are bad for workers, shoppers, the environment, and the local economy. I try to buy food that has been grown/produced responsibly. I enjoy trying new things, including belly dancing. What's it to ya?!
Posted by: MB | November 10, 2005 at 07:05 AM
Oh, I love this. So very true, that quote (and I'm guilty as charged).
Thank you!
Posted by: maria | November 09, 2005 at 08:47 AM
mmm, that is a lovely image and a great quote. :-)
Posted by: kat | November 09, 2005 at 08:47 AM
I love the image, and the sentiment.
I really do need to see that movie...
Posted by: tallasiandude | November 09, 2005 at 01:13 AM