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January 06, 2006


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Happy (belated) Birthday, Deb!!

Now from the few photo glimpses I've had of you I just know that you don't look it, very few wrinkles around the eyes if I remember correctly!

Your reminiscent thoughts about your mom are very touching. It's funny (not haha, but interesting) actually because I was thinking the other day about all the people who were my age now (42) when I was younger and how I perceived them back then. Like my mom who had her nervous breakdown roundabout this time, or my au-pair employer in Miami who got herself bigger boobs for her 42nd birthday! She seemed ancient to me back then and totally over the top (the latter still applies). Isn't it funny how we perceive the age gap as much larger when we are 20 and looking at someone who is 40, rather than the other way around? Someone who is in their early 20s doesn't seem THAT much younger to me :) Maybe it is because we have BOTH ages in us, 20 as well as 40 (or 42, or 45).

Hope the technical problems get sorted soon, this can be very frustrating indeed.

Remember - you are 'the Queen of the Slipstreams', so have yourself a 'Magical Time', do a little "Moondance' and get 'Ye Healed' during this birthday month of yours :)



I already wished you a happy birthday, Deb, but I hope it was fun! And I LOVE that picture of you and your mom. It really captures both of your personalities!




Happy Birthday to you! It was my birthday on January 3rd. I also generally combine my birthday with the holidays, making it "birthday week" for me. I happened upon your blog via "blogging artists way"... so good luck to you, your birthday month, and whatever else needs luck.


Happy Belated Birthday! My stepmother's is also the 2nd. It gets crazy for our family...my boyfriend's is 12/29...stepmother on the 2nd...me on the 9th. By the time it's mid-January, people are like: okay, enough! :) I HATED having my birthday so close to Christmas as a kid...the worst was the dreaded "We got you a bigger gift, so it's a combined Xmas/birthday gift" that would always be delivered on Xmas. It sucked! :) But like you, I've grown to like the timing of it as an adult because it falls in so nicely with the whole New Year 'taking stock' thing. That's weird about the comments...hope it's rectified soon. I'd be very frustrated if I couldn't leave comments. Again, Happy Birthday (month), fellow Cap! ;)


happy, happy, happy birthday!!! :-)

i actually put in a question about this to typepad too. they suggested turning off your firewall long enough to make the comment and/or hitting preview before you submit your comment to make sure it's going thru. I have no idea if that's going to help at all, but I hope so. I'd hate to be comment-less!!


Oh WOW Deb -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I had no idea when your birthday was until now. I think making it a whole month-long celebration is a fabulous idea. In fact, I remember someone in my old PR department that used to declare her 'birthday season' annually ... inviting people to send cards and letters and make a big hoopla over her. I think it went back to some kind of workplace joke a few years earlier, and it just stuck.

The part about your mom made me teary ... especially about waking up early on your birthday now. So sweet (in the bittersweet sort of sense). Ryan was born at 4:13 a.m. ... gee, I wonder if he'd appreciate a call then on his birthday (NOT ... then again, maybe he'll still be awake from the night before).

I think the technology gods are still on their holiday break, because there's been havoc around here, too. Now that I have my new laptop and have loaded software, the latest challenge is moving files over from my old laptop ... won't go into all the gory detail. Here's hoping your TypePad woes get resolved real soon!!

... and Happy Birthday again. You look Maaaaahhhvelous! (... and I don't just mean in 1985 picture :-)

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