Joining in with Kat and some amazing fellow travelers in Blogging the Artist's Way.
When I first saw Kat mention that she was doing it, I was reluctant. I already have a writing practice (ok, so i've slacked off a little bit since i started the job), and I facilitate writing groups (so my thinking is: do i really need this?). Besides I went through The Artists Way years ago. (ok, so i did it solo. and i did stop doing everything but the morning pages after about the 5th week - but after having a practice of writing a few times a week for years, i got in the groove of writing [nearly] every day, and that habit has stuck ...). But the prevailing thought that kept me from wanting to take the plunge: I've got enough stuff going on in my life - I barely find enough time to blog much it is ... where's the room for this?
And that's what decided it for me.
There's not a lot of room (or i don't make a lot of room) for creative exploration and expression, but when I consider the things that are most important to me, my creative exploration and expression are damn high on the list. And I don't give them nearly the amount of time and attention that I'd like.
Now, in its relatively short life, this blog has been a pretty cool addition to my creative soup. I'm finding my blogging feet - so far my blog experience has been some combo of collage, internet pen pal-ing, sorta-autobiography, computer performance art, a different sort of writing practice, pop-culture deconstruction ... but I really don't know what the point is. Or if there is one. Or if there has to be.
So what I've decided for the time being is this: I'll play and let it unfold. And that's what I'm also doing with the re-thinking (remaking for the zillionth time) of my work-life ... and life in general right now. Trying to be organic about it. (trying not to be impatient)
(but damn ... haven't i figured it out yet? grrr.)
(breathe, breathe, breathe...)
... yes, just trying to let it unfold as best I can ... giving it room and space. (and structure too cause man, i need more than my share of that. like the blog title says: i spend a lot of time entertaining infinity: "hmm...well THIS option seems interesting. but what about that? ... on the other hand, i don't know. ooh, look; what was that sparkly thing? that's kinda interesting too...") ...
(but i digress...).
Oy...what was I saying? Ah yes, that in order to give things room to grow, I need to give it/me/them space and time. (with a little structure, duh.)
And so, Blogging the Artists Way. (perfect timing for my creative & personal exploration, wrapped in the frou-frou of 'just another thing I don't have time for...')
I'm already feeling slightly slack-ish about what I'm doing compared to all the other energy and postings I'm seeing on the other participating blogs out there. (and here's where i can hear the internalized voices of people in the 12 step rooms: "don't go comparing your insides to other people's outsides...") (and thank you for sharing. seriously.)
Cause I'm noticing a renewed energy already. Even with the modified artist dates I've had so far this week: the 30 minute walk along the Delaware River (which is about 10 minutes from my office - a really hidden treasure that i don't take near enough advantage of), and shopping for the ingredients to try out a new meal for dinner the other night - which I prepared while listening to an old Moody Blues album (i don't care if it's in cd format; they're still albums to me. [oh god, i really am o-l-d aren't i?]). YUM. These little 'dates' - even though I don't think they're exactly what Julia Cameron had in mind, I don't care. I'm making time, thinking of new ways to play and open up, and I'm making it work for me.
And making time to write every day again? Ohmygod, I love it. I've been sporadic with my writing practice since I started the job, and I miss it so much when I don't do it regularly (and emailing friends, much as it keeps me semi-sane, is not the same ...).
I know Julia Cameron alludes to a honeymoon period with the AW process, but if I'm just on the honeymoon - ya-fuckin'-hoo, I'm going to enjoy it. Feet in the air, champagne a bubblin' ... let's keep going like this till we can't keep going no more. (isn't that what honeymoons are for?)
I think I am in the honeymoon period too, I love this process. Except for the morning pagaes. Those suckers are like the rain on my creative parade some days. I find it impossible to make time for them in the morning, and some mornings I pretty much write three pages of, "the baby is crying, my son just told me he is hungry, my hand is getting tired..." and on those days I think that it is the biggest waste of time ever.
Posted by: Krista | January 15, 2006 at 10:28 AM
I agree with Kat--artist dates are whatever we want them to be...that's why they're fun! I thought initially I might feel a bit constrained doing AW with a group (I'm not really a group sort of person), but I'm finding that it's freeing up the process for me. Because there's such a wide variance in how people are implementing the AW tools in their daily lives, it gives me the freedom to do the same. I can put my own spin on it.
Posted by: Marilyn | January 14, 2006 at 02:12 PM
So happy you're on this journey too! It's neat doing it in this format and reading about other people's experiences ... as opposed to doing it on one's own, which is what I would typically do ... plus I am discovering all sorts of good insights and ideas in what other people share, so it expands the impact of AW for me exponentially. I'm liking it a lot!
As for structure, focus, etc., yup, I could use some more of that myself ... and it seems to be just as critical when you know what you want to do as when you feel like you're wandering lost in the woods. Interesting.
Posted by: maria | January 14, 2006 at 11:15 AM
Hey Deb, this is great that you are joining us!
I think I must be one of few people who have never done the AW before and therefore I am probably more relaxed about it than most because I have no expectations. But like you there is the time issue creeping up, all of a sudden I am finding myself to be very busy with life! And I am not even trying to be an artist per se, or to recover my creativity. But this is where I am similar to you in that I am hoping that this creative exploration and expressing will help me figure out what I want to do professionally.
Mmm, and yes, I remember albums, too. Vinyl. Playing in the woods, coming home at sundown, exhausted from all that fresh air but red-cheekily-happy. I remember no computers! Maybe this is what appeals to me about AW too, that it gets me away from staring at a square box all day and forces me to do things such as writing with a pen and going out into the world!
Happy creating :) Kerstin
Posted by: Kerstin | January 13, 2006 at 03:21 PM
what a great post deb! and i think your artist dates are absolutely perfect. they're meant to be whatever fills you with delight and you did just that!
so glad you're doing the aw with us. :-)
Posted by: kat | January 13, 2006 at 11:08 AM