What fun, what fun. Music videos from the 80's. How can you resist?
And, in keeping with the recent "letter E" post, how 'bout some Sesame Street videos? Mahna-mahna anyone? (or the classic "rubber duckie"?)
What the world needs now, is Brady, more Brady. Can't you dig the sunshine? (i LOVE youtube!)
And the world needs obscure Monkees stuff too. (and what about this wild clip of mike nesmith and frank zappa pretending to be each other?)
Who archives all these old prime-time and cartoon theme things? Whoever they are, they are my new best friends. Could this be any more fun?
And if all that stuff is too bubble-gummy pop culture for your tastes, try out this link. (and trust me, turn the radio "on" ... and then click on any/all of the other buttons and have yourself a hard drivin' time at the crossroads. yeah baby.)
Oh, love that obscure Monkees stuff!
Posted by: patry | July 25, 2006 at 12:31 AM