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August 05, 2006


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Yes indeed -- life is good. :-)

So glad to hear Casey's recuperating well and getting out more (... and appreciating some of the 'perks' of her condition, like better concert seats!)

I've been to the balloon festival a couple of times, and it's really awesome to see them all go up at once, especially up close ... but I've never seen the morning ascension ... just the evening one. How cool that you can just walk there! I do recall the traffic being a nightmare, and thinking how all the residents in the area must not love all the traffic jams the festival brings.

... and I've also been to see the Patriots with Ryan a few times when he was younger ... what a fun time that is ... and so much easier and less expensive than trying to see the Mets or Yankees. The piece about the girl singing the anthem just cracked me up, though. I could just hear her in my head as I was reading. Too funny!

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