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December 31, 2006


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Lovely! (Sorry it took me two weeks to get here...trying to get caught up this weekend.)


Happy New Year to you too, Deb. I don't think I've ever heard/read the change in year put so well. Thank you for this post. And here's to a rock and roll 2007!


Happy New Year, Deb!! It's been quite a year for you, hasn't it? So many changes. Good ones, though. :-)

Here's to another 365 days of everything you wrote above ... the whole ball of wax ... but especially health, fulfilling work, fun adventures, family, and good friends.


Hey magnificent Deb -It is hard to believe 06 is almost gone - WOW it went fast. One of my highlights this year was the chance to see you last spring and get a tour of jersey - kettle corn and all. What a gift you are my friend! You've had quite the year with some pretty significant transitions - Congratulations on choosing which rivers to swim in. Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday and a very creative and fulfilling 2007. Marcy

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