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December 24, 2006


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Well done to your niece - what a great iceskater she is and to be back in the rink after her ordial, wow! I used to absolutely love love figureskating so it was a joy to watch her, and I was super impressed by her Bielmann pirouette, another wow!

And I am totally with you and "Michael" on the question of infinity, well put and still mindboggling!

Hope you had lovely Holidays! Kerstin x


Yes, they do. I got teary watching that skating video--gives me hope for the little one. xoxo I had to laugh at the Spinal Tap quote...because I'm always so taken with Chris Guest at the end of that movie that I'd forgotten about McKean's remarks. We have it on tape somewhere...might have to watch it (for the umpteenth time). Happy Holidays, Deb! xoxo

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