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December 10, 2006


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Yea! She's Back!
Yea for the iPod!
Yea for public art! (wish we had more here. I love the twin cities for stuff like this, but I could never live there year round. Too dang cold.)

So good to hear from you. :-)


hey there! welcome back! i'm a bit of a foot dragger too. sometimes it helps just to challenge myself to take the risk and move. but that doesn't always work.

i've got a new site up and running!


I used to see poetry signs like that on MAX (light rail) in Portland...I always thought it was so great to be able to read poetry, instead of just ads. I still don't have an iPod...but given how little I listen to music (period) anymore, don't see one in my future. ;) But glad to hear you're enjoying yours!

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