How does this happen? The weekend comes and I have no specific plans. Nothing last night and nothing tonight or tomorrow night ... just big blank space on my calendar today and tomorrow.
I love it.
So often the weekend comes and I've booked dinner with friends on Friday evening right after work and I get home late and then have someplace I need to be Saturday and it's another day of going here/going there and then Sunday rolls around and there are errands to do and Beaners to see and then suddenly it's 8pm and I still haven't done laundry. Well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration ... my weekends are usually a mix of SOME social stuff and SOME down-time, but every now and then, finding myself with no obligations - with the opportunity to spend an evening on the couch watching a DVD and sleeping late and puttering around in my robe on a Saturday morning - is an incredibly restorative thing.
Now, I will go see Beaners tomorrow morning (have not seen them in a while - we've had vacations back-to-back: i was enjoying my "adult camp" experience last week, and they left for disney world the day i got back and they're returning this afternoon ...), but other than that, I'm free to let these two days take me where they will. Feels particularly good now, since I'm gearing up for a big change (more on that in another post when i'm feeling a bit more motivated to get the story down ...).
So here it is, almost 1:30 pm on a Saturday and I'm still in my robe sipping coffee (i'm such a wild woman!). Might go for a walk now ... maybe run a few errands. Who knows? Maybe I'll have another cup of coffee before I decide. What fun, what fun.