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June 05, 2007


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I have to admit, I am with Wes in that my first thought was: maybe it was hot and he wanted to keep the A/C on while he was making his phone call? Having worked on the road myself for a few years this is exactly what I have done in the past, although I wasn't sitting in a huge SUV but in an energy efficient Audi A4 Diesel.

The world is not going to go back to how it was before we became such energy hungry nations. I find consolation in the fact that manufacturers are finally catching on and offering more efficient vehicles, although I still bought myself a pick-up truck simply because it's more practical in our situation and I love driving it (mind you, I got a 2- rather than 4-weel drive because it uses less gas.) And yes, on a hot and humid New England day I keep it running when I am parked for a few moments.

Unfortunately for many people it is still difficult to see the impact - positive or negative - of their own small actions. Our best hope is to raise environmentally conscious kids who CAN see the bigger picture.


As someone who glances at his Treo (tgft) once in a while, I have the need to defend this guy. I think you're really just annoyed with him because he's driving a gas guzzling SUV ... the blackberry and the cell phone ... not so much. Granted it's a bit humerous - but it's way better that he pulled over to do his multi-tasking. Maybe he had his a/c on and it was a quiet way to complete his phone call while reviewing an urgent email? Or maybe the he's Anti-Gore, a new evil alt superhero determined to burn a whole in the ozone over your new neighborhood?

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