I had a chat with Summer the other day and we got to musing about how we've both been going through a less than prolific time with our blogs (her version of "less-than-prolific" and mine are way different. mine is almost non-existent, hers translates to just a couple of times/week ...) ... (but i digress).
Since we were both experiencing similar stuff, we wondered if this feeling was just part of the creative arc of blogging ... you start out all fresh with possibility and taken with the process ... then you discover 'friends' in the like-minded souls of fellow bloggers who stumble upon your writing (and visa versa) ... you begin to 'dialogue' with the friends/strangers who read your stuff ... then you discover that people who you know but who you didn't know were reading your stuff actually are, and then maybe you start to feel a little self conscious about the more personal stuff you're putting out there ... and maybe you start to feel like you almost have a duty to produce. Next thing you know, the bloom is off the rose; the process has changed and you're not so sure what you're doing it for anymore.
The funny thing is, I still think about blogging when I'm away from it - I still like the medium and love it when I get on a roll. I find that I start posts here and there, and don't get around to finishing them because life gets in the way. Or I get caught up in my own personal writing and can't find a way to translate what's going on "out there" to the pages here (or i don't want to).
I just can't seem to get it up creatively these days I said to Summer; I could use some creative Viagra.
Ah, and wouldn't that be nice?
Need to rally for creative projects? Feeling isolated from your Muse? When the moments are not quite right, that's when C-Vi can help.
C-Vi ... designed to energize your passion, harden your resolve and get the creative energy flowing again. Ask your doctor if C-Vi is right for you. (do not take with alcohol, marijuana or if you have eaten too many carbs as this may be a sign of misdiagnosed creative dysfunction. if your creative burst lasts more than 4 hours, celebrate the fuck out of it.)
OK, maybe I don't need the drug ... perhaps thinking about a little hit of C-Vi is enough for today. Tommorrow, who knows?
If there's anything I've learned in my years of blogging is that it ebbs and flows...my love for it, I mean. ;) But overall I love it...because I love the CONNECTION I find within the community.
Posted by: Marilyn | November 04, 2007 at 03:13 PM