Last Sunday afternoon I'm on the floor at Bro's, playing with Boy Beaner (5 years old). We're surrounded by various plastic action figure-ish characters and we're making up voices for each of them as they romp around on a plastic pirate ship. Many do not appear to belong on a pirate ship (including the construction workers, lego vikings and the green plastic army guys), but this is no matter. The point of my one-on-one play with Boy Beaner seems to be to use whatever we are doing as an avenue to descend into fart and bum jokes.
We could be coloring, playing Chutes and Ladders, or the recent favorite action-figure-guys-on-pirate-ship thing ... but it won't be long before one of us will say something that will set the other one off, and then we'll be riffing on the original funny, trying on different voices (this kid is an amazing mimic), and laughing our heads off. It doesn't always start in the fart/bum arena, but it's so easy to go there ... partially because ... well, he's 5 ... and, OK, I admit it, I go there because it's so easy to send him into giggle fits with a passing mention of an itchy bottom or a suggestion (delivered in a scottish-a-la-shreck accent [our favorite]) that a big wind has begun blowing the sails of the ship and ... hm ... it appears to be coming from the direction of that strange looking Lego man with the Viking helmet!
This time we got onto something too deliciously inappropriate to repeat here (and it was probably only funny in our very highbrow context) ... this thing sent the boy into a giggle fit that had tears streaming down his face as he tried to catch his breath. There's nothing so sweet as the devilish, unrestrained, giddy laugh of a 5 year old boy enraptured by a really good fart joke.
Gray winter days got nothin' on me with such winds whipping up.
Oh, I love this! I'm a mom of two girls and grandmother of three boys, and I made sure those little guys had some good farting stuff in their Christmas stockings, like whoopee cushions and little jars of farting putty. Hysterical! Thanks for this post, and lucky you to have such a fun child in your life, lucky him to have you.
Posted by: Verna Wilder | February 06, 2008 at 11:11 PM
I've never been a big fan a bodily function humor---but dude, those 5 year old laughing fits are like pure gold. And it sounds like you got to swim in Scrooge McDuck's money vault. Nice work.
Posted by: Will | January 31, 2008 at 11:53 AM