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February 07, 2008


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I think this essay describes a lot of what I like about Obama:


Fair, reasoned, intelligent, and willing to delve into the complexities of a problem -- I had this sense of him from reading what he's said, but it was nice to see a specific example that backed it up.

Unfortunately, to his claim about Clinton supports backing him in the general election, there's a poll (http://people-press.org/reports/display.php3?PageID=1254) that shows that more Clinton supports than Obama supports would switch to McCain if their candidate didn't win the nomination. That's a bummer. I'm hoping that Obama will have more cross-party appeal in the general to make up for that kind of defection.


i'm with you on both the inspiration and logic fronts! :-)


Well, it is probably also fair to say that whoever the Republican nominee is, the Democrats will go after him as well. And with McCain there is certainly going to be enough fodder. You have (probably?) read my recent posts and know that I am leaning slightly more to the conservative side. Apart from a brief love affair with Huckabee (which cooled off just as quickly) and after Romney's departure I am definitely glad that I cannot vote, because as much as many people think that Obama is too inexperienced I think that McCain is too old. And as much as people like Obama because he is a charismatic and inspiring speaker, do I dislike McCain because he isn't. With McCain I don't even want to look at his proposed policies because I simply don't like him. I do like Obama as a person but I still don't get a sense of substance from him; if he becomes president I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

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