The snow storm I wished for last month swept in overnight leaving over 3 inches on the ground this morning (the ABC news affiliate in NY dubbed it 'the winter wake up.') (amazingly, the weather channel peeps didn't name this one ...). It kept falling steadily throughout the day, and the last report I saw said we got almost 7 inches. Oh yes, an unequivocal snowfall ... that's the way (uh huh uh huh) I like it (uh huh uh huh).
The office was closed, and while I patched in on the remote network (there were a few things that had to get dealt with), a good chunk of my day was spent outside. I shoveled the walk and driveway (although there was a lot of it, it was a pretty light snow - no need to call in the professionals) ... and I talked to Daf on the phone while sitting bundled up on the front porch. After a quick duck inside to check in on the computer, I went out for a walk.
I absolutely adore walking during such a snowstorm ... so peaceful, so few people out ... feels like magic.
Shots from my wanderings (they'll expand if you click on them) ... above: the holly by the front porch ... the birdies happily chomping in the side yard.
Then ... walking through a park in town.
The sky was so gray; I was struck by how it sapped the color out of things ... this view almost seemed like it was black and white. ('cept that flag just above the gazebo.)
A daddy out with his boy. (thoughts of the kid as a little one fill the heart ...)
Like something out of a movie set all covered in snow.
Perfect packing-snow for snowmen.
Feet in the snow.
. . . oh the snow! we don't get snow in this southern coastal town i'm now living in now . . . it hasn't even gotten cold . . . it's expected to be mid-60s again . . . hope this finds you out playing in all that lovely whiteness :)
Posted by: kate | February 23, 2008 at 10:16 AM