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November 16, 2008


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ohhh...have you seen that scribbler thing? Ill have to look for a link for you...equally addictive.


that program is so much fun!!

tammys comment cracked me up. :-)

Carol Cooper

oh yum, mega-doodles!! Brilliant colours too. It is so cool that creativity can come from so many different sources, thank you for sharing the link, I think I will go play now!! :o)


This looks like fun and sounds like addiction!!! :) I love the way it looks and am just going to have to wander on over and take a look. I love what you did!


Fun! I played with that a long time ago and then forgot about it. Thanks for sending me back there!

tammy vitale

came over from AEM - and here it is...the most addictive thing on the internet! I think my first AEM year I did 3 or 4 that wound up in an altered book. I had it on my desk top until I had to delete it because I was spending WAAAAAAAY too much time playing with it. Thanks for the reminder its still out there (I think thanks - maybe not! =])

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