I could never be one of those people who does a lot of back-to-back business travel. I got home on Wednesday night from conference in Houston, which I went to less than 24 hours after I'd returned from three days at a trade show in Atlantic City.
I am so happy to be home. I don't even mind (too much) that most of the leaves on the trees fell in my absence.
Here are a few images I collected while I was away (with descriptions below).
Left to right top row: Me, borrowing a crown from the ballet company folks in the booth next to me ... we were doing all we could to try to maintain a sense of humor on the last day of working a trade show exhibition.
I was told later that it's illegal to take photos in a casino in Atlantic City. (i'm such a rebel) This is as close as I got to gambling while I was there.
The booth (aka: my cell). :)
Middle row: Blue skies en route to Houston.
The view outside my hotel window. Not much to look at - except the huge Obama-Biden painting on the wall of the building just across the freeway. (weee)
Recycled resin beads from the gift shop at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston where the opening conference reception was held. Other than venturing out to this incredibly cool restaurant on our last night (and another within walking distance of the hotel); that was, unfortunately, about all I saw of the city. (when you're in sessions by 9, and out by 6 with business obligations for dinner, there's little time left for sightseeing ...)
Bottom row: Fabulous creativity on display for 3 bucks a button. (just in case you can't read them: under the cartoon image of the trophy is the word wife; under the train, the word wreck; above the horse, the word work; above the bunny, ski; above the dog, hot; and true to texas form: below cow, the word girl ...)
At a restaurant in Houston, I ordered a cup of Red Beans and Rice, and when the waiter brought this bowl, I reminded him that I'd just ordered a cup ... "This is Texas," he told me, "that is a cup."
Sunset flying home. (as those texan's might say: yee ha.)