... if the weight of winter-in-my-veins gets me thinking that I don't want to rally for the gym, that I really DO want to rally for the gym?
It's amazing how much better it feels to move, and how easily I forget that when winter descends. If it were not for the mara* - which is just a little more than a month away - I could easily sink into total and complete winter slow-down. But with those 13+ miles looming, all I can say is thank god for the mara*.
I went to the gym tonight and clocked in about 4 miles on the treadmill, grunted my way through a few machines, and came home reminded of how much better I feel when I go. And while the damn winter funk tends to have its way with me no matter what I do (working out and SAD lamps can only do so much - and it didn't help that i wasn't feeling well this past week, but ...), I have to lift my head out of the molasses, fight the tendency to hibernate, and remember how much better it feels to get the blood pumping and feel those endorphins kicking in.
And besides, if I don't do at least 6 miles three times a week (shooting for an average of about 4 MPH) for the next month, I'll be in no shape, and my ass will be dragging across that finish line in Miami, and there's NO WAY. No. Way.
So, remind me if I start to sound too funked out: Get off your butt and move Cooperman, MOVE.
(*'the mara' is what i have been calling the january 25th half-marathon that i'm participating in to raise bucks for pancreatic cancer research. half of the word "marathon" is "mara" hence ...)
(oh yes, i'm so clever ...) :)