The blog is still not “live.” (i know people will be able to read this posting one day, but for now, it's just me and the few folks who have the password while i’m in build-mode).
I notice as I get ready to go public - tinkering with colors, building a banner, playing with options and writing (and re-writing) stuff for my 'about' page - that deciding to, and gearing up for this blogging thing is one of the most intense 'personal growth workshops' I've ever signed on for.
Even though I've been operating my life under an umbrella of "living out loud" through my work for several years now, there's a big difference between doing it with clients, workshop participants, friends and people who love me, and just sending it out there to god-knows-where and who-knows-who in cyber-land.
I’m still not really sure what has possessed me to do this. I just feel compelled. ‘out loud’ do I go?
And when I do...what if "they" don't like me? What if I embarrass my family? (it's highly likely.) What if an old crush stumbles upon this one day and laughs? (and not in a good way...)
The reasons not to broadcast myself and my writing are huge. I’m not really sure what I’m doing it for – that’s a biggie. And there are countless ways that I could wind up embarrassing my family. What if people misunderstand me? What if I say something that offends someone I care about?
And ohmygod, there are just so many old crushes who could find reason to laugh.
I know I shouldn't care - I know it’s not PC (personal-growthy correct) to say, but I do - I care what people think. Not all the time, and rarely enough to do things differently, but enough to make me hesitate if I measure myself against what I think they think.
And at the same time, I know that’s all completely ridiculous. Maybe that's one of the reasons I'm doing this. To know that the world won’t end when I share my writing and myself with the unknown. That it might actually be a good thing.
I've been so inspired by what I've seen on other blogs - how people put themselves out there in so many brilliant, colorful, hopeful, creative and spirited ways - and so I wonder: what the hell is stopping you Cooperman? Maybe someone will stumble on my little corner of the cyber-pond and be inspired. Maybe what I say will make them laugh (in a good way). Who knows?
In my work I'm all about celebrating the quirky uniqueness of people, so why not my own? (i suppose i'm getting an experience of that old saying "we teach what we need to learn"...)
So if you ever find your way here Ricky Hume (the first guy i ever kissed – 2nd grade, i think – behind a shed in his backyard in belvidere, nj), or any of the other legions of boys and men I've crushed over, laugh away. (cause if an old crush laughs in the cyber world and i'm not around to hear it, does it really matter?) If the collective "they" don't like what I say? Won't be the first time.
Well, maybe I'll care a little, but probably not enough to stop.
And my family? Too late, I've been embarassing them for years. ;)
This is gonna be interesting...